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I loveddddd the game!! It had a lot of different endings and I love how you were able to do something you love like  C#, Unity 2D/3D, and JavaScript!!

I really enjoyed this game! c:

The audio used creates a really good atmosphere for the game and its story. There were moments where the atmosphere of the game reminded me of the Zero Escape games, with the way that it can create an eerie feeling of not knowing what's going on.

I also liked the way that the background changes ever so slightly with every decision you make, with more coffee marks appearing on the background. I think that it adds more personality to the game!
Oh, and the story is intriguing and very well written!

Is there a way to uncover the mystery and finish the story?I played it multiple times, making different decisions, and getting different endings, but is there one true ending to find in the game?

Overall, I think that it is a really well-made game, and I look forward to your future projects! :D

Will this get fullscreen support?

I will probably post a Windows build at some point.

Yessssss tysm <3

so good

thank you so much!

Rip me. Lol